More moths
I took the chance and put the moth trap out on Saturday night. The weather forecast predicted that it would be mild and dry, if cloudy. Well it was almost right. There were a few light showers, but nothing like the major thunderstorm and downpour Friday night. So I wasn't sure if there would be much in the trap when I switched it off in he the morning.
Many of the common names given to moth in here UK were given by creative Victorian and Edwardian naturalists, and often related to the markings on the moths's wings. In this case the Heart and Dart doesn't disappoint. There is clearly a heart on each wing, with a simple dart like line above.
It turned out to be my best haul so far, with 8 different species - 2 of which escaped before I could take any photos to help with the ID. And it turned out those photos I did take weren't up to much either so I'll only put a couple up on this post.
The full list included, excluding the two that got away:
Buff Ermine: Spilarctia luteum
Large Yellow Underwing: Noctua pronuba
Heart and Dart: Agrotis exclamationis
Light Brown Apple Moth: Epiphyas postvittana
The Flame: Axylia putris
Mottled Beauty: Alcis repandata
This brings the total of moths I've managed to identify in the garden to 19 so far. Not many by some standards, but I'm hoping for more.
My favourite moth of the day is the Buff Ermine. The colours are beautiful, and there is something about the furry ness of the thorax. It's almost says if the spots have been painted on with care.
But the one I was really pleased with was the Large Yellow Underwing. This one is so much bigger than the others in the trap at a lost 40mm in length, especially when compared against The Flame. It was very active and quite feisty, refusing to sit still for long, and making it very difficult to take the photos. An it spread it's wings there was a shock of orange/yellow colour - but never at the same time as I was taking a photo.
The smallest of the moths caught is easily The Flame. This is was only 15mm in length. Smaller than a Pill Woodlouse. Sorry about the quality of the photo, but it clearly shows the way in which it folds it's wings tight against it's body, very different to any of the other moths I've managed to identify so far. This makes it look somewhat like a piece of twig.
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